BASILISK exists to catalyze the next Scientific Revolution

“We have got a lot of problems on this planet, and we need as many smart, educated people to figure them out as we possibly can.”

Jimmy Wales

(founder of Wikipedia)

As the science-driven esports org, we use play to inspire scientists.

We live for difficult games that reward study.

Our gaming content celebrates those that break, make, and love hard games like StarCraft II, Chess, and Kerbal.

Difficult games teach us to take risks, fail, and develop grit. They make us wonder, how can we improve?

Our pro players are inspirations.

Some are pinnacles of achievement. Others are on their climb. All are growth-minded.

BASILISK players make us curious about how far we can go and the tools and processes to help get us there.

We are building a bigger tent for Science.

Just as anyone can play a video game, anyone can be a scientist.

You do not need to wear a lab coat to practice Science. The only prerequisite is curiosity

We regularly publish content that celebrates the stories and tools of Science. Our content is accessible to STEM-Stans and the STEM-curious alike. 

Our creators encourage self-improvement and inclusivity. They are anti-toxic and welcome fans of all backgrounds, skill levels, and education.

We do Science.

BASILISK uses data science and performance psychology to find, train, and give edges to our players and creators. 

We practice evidence-driven decision-making at all levels of the org.

We run the BTP (BASILISK Training Program), a weekly internal development course covering topics like cognitive biases, applied statistics, and philosophy.

To root for


is to root for



Photo of BASILISK founders

Chris and Hans have worked and played together for nearly a decade. They started BASILISK out of a shared love of difficult video games and a hope to inspire others to lead lives of inquiry.

As a particularly nerdy kid, Chris taught C++ and ran covert StarCraft LAN parties in his high school computer lab. He has a bad habit of buying Slay the Spire on a new platform every time he reaches Ascension 20.

Hans created a personal knowledge management (PKM) system for his book summaries, and tirelessly tinkers with the code in his spare time. He has spent countless hours in RTS and watches Factorio and Cities: Skylines videos to relax.








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